Brief Overview

Summary about our company

HOPETECH SARL is a company that offers a range of products and equipment in various fields and more specifically in the industrial field. We also offer a variety of services such as: the supply of goods and services, industrial and domestic electricity, industrial mechanics, computer and telecommunications (IT), cleaning (factory, tank), civil engineering, geological survey, and we also offer training and a subcontracting service.
HOPETECH is a company that offers a wide selection of products in different areas, with a commitment to customer service, product quality and innovation to meet the varied needs of its customer base.

Our Services

CCTV Security


Access Control


Our produits

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide security and protection services to protect property, people and information. This can include monitoring and protecting buildings, industrial sites, preventing intrusions.

Ensuring a safe and secure environment for our customers.

Our partners


4 Rue 04, Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, DRCongo

+243 819109053

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